SDG Barometer 2018
lsm | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons, Charleroi
Belgian Sustainable Development Goals Barometer 2018
While it has become widely known that more and more organizations are supporting the SDGs and are developing their sustainability policy and reporting activities based on the global Agenda 2030, up until today there is no clear overview of the adoption and the implementation of the SDGs by Belgian organizations. In partnership with the University of Antwerp, Antwerp Management School and Louvain School of Management, we have taken the initiative to develop the SDG Barometer, to investigate the adoption of the SDGs in Belgium. The project is supported by the Federal Institute of Sustainable Development and ING Belgium and further developed in partnership with The Shift, Cifal Flanders, VBO/FEB, UWE, VOKA, essencia, Agoria, Febelfin and Fevia. The overall goal of this SDG Barometer is to obtain insights in to the SDG landscape in Belgium for various types of organizations, including companies, governments and non-governmental organizations.
Since this research project is the first national survey on the adoption and implementation of the SDGs, these results may serve as a baseline for further investigations, both within Belgium and abroad...
Download the full barometer or only the key takeaways.
► Interview from Pr. Swaen about the learning from the first Belgian SDG barometer (in French)