SDG Barometer 2020
lsm | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons, Charleroi
Belgian SDG barometer 2020
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) were launched in 2015. In 2018, the Antwerp Management School, the University of Antwerp and UCLouvain took the initiative to develop the first SDG Barometer to measure the adoption of the SDGs in Belgium, with the support of the Federal Institute for Sustainable Development (IFDD).
But what about the integration of the SDGs in Belgian organizations today? Do awareness and implementation initiatives help achieve the SDGs? And how did organizations progress compared with 2 years ago?
The results of this 2020 SDG barometer has just been presented this October 29th during the SDG forums 2020.
SDG awareness in Belgium continues to rise.
To know more about the results of this barometer, please read the full report.
In cooperation with:
Antwerp Management School, Universiteit Antwerpen, UCLouvain, FIDO/IFDD, Alifucam, Alumni UCLouvain, AWEX, CAP Innove, CAP Construction, CCI Wallonie, CCI WAPI, CCI Luxembourg Belge, CIFAL Flanders, Cluster Eco-construction de Wallonie, Cluster Infopole, EPHEC, essenscia, Febelfin, Fevia, GreenWin, Hainaut développement, HEC Liège, HELMO, ICHEC, IDELUX, INNOVATECH, Logistics in Wallonia, MVO Vlaanderen, Plastiwin, Province du Hainaut, Réseau entreprendre Wallonie, Skywin, SDSN Belgium, Service Public de Wallonie, Solvay Business School, SPI, Susanova, The Shift, Tweed, UCM, ULB, UMons, UNamur, Union des Villes et Communes de Wallonie, UWE, VBO-FEB, Voka, VVSG, Wagralim, Wallonia Clusters