Visualisation, analysis and interpretation of 2D to 5D images: free 1-year trial of AIVIA software on the IMABIOL platform
Reliable processing and reconstruction of extremely complex images in just a few minutes
Using a state-of-the-art AI-based software architecture, AIVIA is an innovative and comprehensive 2D to 5D ima
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A hammock suspended above the water and at maximum distance from the bank: the LEMSC hosts the STRUCTURE CHALLENGE
Calculating, building and testing a support structure for a suspended hammock...
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ASM acquires a new NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) spectrometer
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is one of the most widely used analytical techniques to detect, identify and quantify a large number of organic and inorganic molecules, polymers as well as supramolec
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Une collaboration entre ELIA, l’OpenHub et la plateforme CREDEM pour révolutionner la réparation des pylônes endommagés
Les dommages causés aux pylônes par les machines agricoles se
produisent des dizaines de fois par an et posent des risques importants
pour la sécurité et la fiabilité de l'infrastructure.
Les méthodes
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IMABIOL is now equipped with a new state-of-the-art microscope to provide a better view of the complexity of life at cellular and molecular levels
The IMABIOL platform has just acquired a new confocal microscope: the LEICA STELLARIS 8 FALCON*.
With unmatched resolution, speed, and sensitivity, this cutting-edge microscope is designed to capture
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