Summer School: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Python
Still a few places available !
From July 11 to 14, is taking place for the first time the Summer School "Du traitement des données au déploiement d'un modèle prédictif dans le cloud: Intelligence Arti
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Prebiotics ? Probiotics? The CICN explains the difference and is looking for volunteers for a new study
The CICN is looking for participants with slow transit (1 to 3 bowel movements per week) for a new clinical study.
The aim is to see what effect a dietary supplement based on natural plant extracts
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Innovative, eco-friendly healthy food? The "Fermes universitaires de Louvain" platform gets involved!
As part of the new dynamic within UCLouvain in transition to promote innovative projects led by students, regional start-ups or citizen communities, and thanks to the financial contribution of the Lou
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Learn more about plant diseases and the best practices to follow in the garden
Are you interested in learning more about plant diseases and good gardening practice?
Then you're in luck, because CORDER, the non-profit organisation linked to the Agro-Louvain Services platform, is
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SMCS: Introduction to the creation of interactive dashboards in Power BI
Do you have a huge amount of data that you want to visualise using an interactive dashboard?
Discover Power BI!
On 22 June, the SMCS platform, in collaboration with UCLouvain's external relations an
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