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eLexicography in the 21st century

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The Centre for English Corpus Linguistics (CECL) hosted an international conference on


eLexicography in the 21st century: new challenges, new applications



The conference aimed to explore innovative developments in the field of electronic lexicography. It was held in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) from 22 to 24 October 2009. Proceedings are available on i6doc website (free pdf or print on demand).


eLEX2009 was organized under the aegis of the European Association for Lexicography (EURALEX) and the ACL Special Interest Group SIGLEX.


Keynote speakers

Ulrich Heid


Aspects of lexical description for electronic dictionaries

Ulrich Heid (PH D. in 1995, außerplanmässiger Professor at Universität Stuttgart, Germany) has worked on projects in computational lexicography since 1991, with a focus on tools for corpus lexicography, models of lexical representation for electronic dictionaries and phraseology for both general and specialized language. He is one of the co-editors of a fourth volume of the well-known HSK Handbook on Dictionaries (Hausmann, Reichmann, Weigand, Zgusta 1989). THis volume (to appear 2011) will be pârtly devoted to computational lexicography.


Marie-Claude L


Designing specialized dictionaries with natural language processing. A state-of-the-art


Marie-Claude L’Homme is full professor at the Department of Linguistics and Translation at the University of Montreal where she teaches terminology and computer-assisted translation. She is also the Director of the research group “Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte, OLST”. Her main research interests are lexical semantics and corpus linguistics applied to terminology. She is editor (in collaboration with Kyo Kageura, University of Tokyo) of the journal Terminology.

Hilary Nesi


E-dictionaries and language learning: uncovering dark practices


Hilary Nesi is Professor in English Language at Coventry University, UK. She was Principal Investigator for the British Academic Spoken English (BASE) and British Academic Written English (BAWE) corpus projects, and she has published extensively in the fields of English for Academic Purposes, corpus linguistics, and metalexicography.

Michael Rundell


The road to automated lexicography: first banish the drudgery... then the drudges?

Michael Rundell has been a lexicographer since 1980. He has edited several learner's dictionaries, most recently the Macmillan English Dictionary (2002, 2007), and he has been at the forefront in the application of new technology to dictionary-making. As one third of the Lexicography MasterClass (with Sue Atkins and Adam Kilgarriff), he provides training in lexicography and lexical computing. He has published widely in the field of corpus-based lexicography, and is co-author (with Sue Atkins) of the Oxford Guide to Practical Lexicography (OUP 2008).


Piek Vossen

From WordNet, EuroWordNet to the Global Wordnet Grid

Prof. Dr. Piek Vossen has a chair as Professor in Computational Lexicology at the Faculty of Arts (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and he is the CTO at Irion Technologies, which is a language-technology company in Delft, the Netherlands. He is also co-founder and co-president of the Global Wordnet Association (GWA), together with Dr. Christiane Fellbaum from Princeton University. GWA supports the development of wordnets for all languages in the world.