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Stefan Th. Gries (STG) is Full Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) and a 25% Chair of English Linguistics (Corpus Linguistics with a focus on quantitative methods) at Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany.

Methodologically, STG is a quantitative corpus linguist at the intersection of corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics, and computational linguistics, who uses a variety of different statistical methods to investigate linguistic topics such as morpho-phonology, syntax, the syntax-lexis interface, semantics, and corpus-linguistic methodology, as well as first and second language acquisition. Occasionally, he also uses experimental methods (acceptability judgments, sentence completion, priming, self-paced reading times, and sorting tasks).

Theoretically, he is a cognitively-oriented linguist (with an interest in Construction Grammar) in the wider sense of seeking explanations in terms of cognitive processes without being a cognitive linguist in the narrower sense of following any one particular cognitive-linguistic theory. The researchers who have influenced his work most are (in alphabetical order) R. Harald Baayen, Douglas Biber, Nick C. Ellis, Adele E. Goldberg, and Michael Tomasello.

STG has authored a variety of books – one research monograph, an introduction to statistics with R for linguists (three editions), a book on corpus linguistics with R (two editions), and two monographs on corpus-linguistics connections to cognitive and pyshcolinguistics based on two times 10 invited plenary talks.

Since 1999, he has (co-)authored more than 200 publications (articles in the leading peer-reviewed journals of his fields and dozens of articles in edited volumes, proceedings, etc.). He is founding general editor of the international peer-reviewed journal Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, co-editor of Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science, associate editor of Cognitive Linguistic Studies, and performs editorial functions for more than ten international peer-reviewed journals and book series. Since the beginning of 2007, he has given more than 300 talks and workshops at national and international venues, nearly half of them invited.

For further information, visit his personal webpage.