Reserche @Clinique universitaire Saint Luc
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Research @Clinique universitaire Saint Luc
In order to make the procedures for submitting files to the Ethics Committee accessible to all (even to people who do not have access to the CUSL intranet), the CUSL website "Clinical Research" has been redesigned. At this address, you will find useful information such as the different types of studies, important definitions in clinical research,...
More specifically, there is now a page on academic studies sponsored by UCLouvain You will find there:
- the complete list of documents to be submitted to the UCLouvain academic desk to constitute your file before submission to the ethics committee
- Submission documents templates (Document 1,...)
- Contract templates for human body material transfer, clinical study, service delivery,…
- the initial submission procedure via the UCLouvain academic desk
For student « memoires » (, you will find a table specifying the different types of « memoires » and to whom to send the files.
Finally, a page on Human (Residual) Material (MCH/R - has been created to clarify definitions, the role of the biobank and legal provisions, the different types of MCH/R studies.