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3-day training course in Quaternary Geochronology04 Oct06 OctThe BELQUA National Committee organizes a 3-day training course in geochronology from 4 till 6 October 2022.En savoir plus3-day training course in Quaternary Geochronology04 Oct06 OctThe BELQUA National Committee organizes a 3-day training course in geochronology from 4 till 6 October 2022.
Identifying winter biogeochemical connectivity in permafrost soils using silicon isotopes and redox-sensitive elements (Stordalen, Sweden) by Maëlle Villani29 SepPermafrost soils in Arctic have recently shown unfrozen soil portions in winter, which can increase soil biogeochemical connectivity. This winter connectivity is mainly present if the system is open (unfrozen soil portions are connected) than if the system is closed. However, only few studies have focused on the differentiation of these systems.En savoir plusIdentifying winter biogeochemical connectivity in permafrost soils using silicon isotopes and redox-sensitive elements (Stordalen, Sweden) by Maëlle Villani29 SepPermafrost soils in Arctic have recently shown unfrozen soil portions in winter, which can increase soil biogeochemical connectivity. This winter connectivity is mainly present if the system is open (unfrozen soil portions are connected) than if the system is closed. However, only few studies have focused on the differentiation of these systems.
Impacts et interactions de multiples facteurs de changement environnemental dans la nature: une analyse de viabilité de métapopulation de Boloria eunomia en Ardennes belges by Victor Brans29 SepVictor Brans (FRIA - UCLouvain). Impacts et interactions de multiples facteurs de changement environnemental dans la nature: une analyse de viabilité de métapopulation de Boloria eunomia en Ardennes belges suivi par Ulrich Martin (UCLouvain). An insight into the trophic ecology of chimaeras from New zealand.En savoir plusImpacts et interactions de multiples facteurs de changement environnemental dans la nature: une analyse de viabilité de métapopulation de Boloria eunomia en Ardennes belges by Victor Brans29 SepVictor Brans (FRIA - UCLouvain). Impacts et interactions de multiples facteurs de changement environnemental dans la nature: une analyse de viabilité de métapopulation de Boloria eunomia en Ardennes belges suivi par Ulrich Martin (UCLouvain). An insight into the trophic ecology of chimaeras from New zealand.
Ecosystem regime shifts, stream metabolism, biogeochemical synchrony, and confluence behaviour in river networks by acob S. Diamond, researcher at the INRAE23 SepHow do river networks transform and transport energy and elements ? This is the fundamental question that underlies the work I will present, which is a collection from the past three years of collaborative research at the University of Tours and INRAe, in Lyon. I will first present a fascinating case study on riverine ecosystem recovery from anthropogenic degradation.En savoir plusEcosystem regime shifts, stream metabolism, biogeochemical synchrony, and confluence behaviour in river networks by acob S. Diamond, researcher at the INRAE23 SepHow do river networks transform and transport energy and elements ? This is the fundamental question that underlies the work I will present, which is a collection from the past three years of collaborative research at the University of Tours and INRAe, in Lyon. I will first present a fascinating case study on riverine ecosystem recovery from anthropogenic degradation.
Investigating the outcome of infection in a freshwater zooplankton-microparasite system under the influence of anthropogenically-derived environmental shifts by Florent Manzi22 Sep
Assessing ecohydrological processes in grassland and forest ecosystems using water stable isotopes by Angelika Kuebert (University of Helsinki, Finland)20 SepWater stable isotopes (2H and 18O) are a widely applied tool to study ecohydrological processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. However, isotope-based field studies are often constrained by a lack of temporally explicit data, usually related to the choice of destructive sampling in the field and subsequent analysis in the laboratory.En savoir plusAssessing ecohydrological processes in grassland and forest ecosystems using water stable isotopes by Angelika Kuebert (University of Helsinki, Finland)20 SepWater stable isotopes (2H and 18O) are a widely applied tool to study ecohydrological processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. However, isotope-based field studies are often constrained by a lack of temporally explicit data, usually related to the choice of destructive sampling in the field and subsequent analysis in the laboratory.
Homo naledi and the Chamber of Secrets de Jeremy DeSilva15 SepMovie Seminar
Investigating soil-water-plant relations - From root segment modeling to field scale experiments by Axelle Koch12 SepPlant transpiration is the main component of terrestrial evapotranspiration and represents about 40% of terrestrial rainfall.En savoir plusInvestigating soil-water-plant relations - From root segment modeling to field scale experiments by Axelle Koch12 SepPlant transpiration is the main component of terrestrial evapotranspiration and represents about 40% of terrestrial rainfall.
Bridging the gap between small and large spatial scales in marine dispersal modelling - Applications to coral ecosystems in the Great Barrier Reef by Antoiine Saint-Amand07 SepThe Great Barrier Reefs (GBR) is a treasure of biodiversity, with an immense ecological, economical and iconic value. However, this unique ecosystem is facing many threats, and is particularly suffering from global change. Management measures are therefore more than ever required to protect and restore the reefs.En savoir plusBridging the gap between small and large spatial scales in marine dispersal modelling - Applications to coral ecosystems in the Great Barrier Reef by Antoiine Saint-Amand07 SepThe Great Barrier Reefs (GBR) is a treasure of biodiversity, with an immense ecological, economical and iconic value. However, this unique ecosystem is facing many threats, and is particularly suffering from global change. Management measures are therefore more than ever required to protect and restore the reefs.
A novel phenotyping pipeline for root system architecture. Evaluation with diversity panels of bread and durum wheat by Clothilde Collet06 SepPlant root systems are responsible for the capture of soil water and minerals essential for their growth. With the need to reduce fertiliser use and improve resilience to extreme climate events, improving resource capture efficiency has become a hot topic in agriculture.En savoir plusA novel phenotyping pipeline for root system architecture. Evaluation with diversity panels of bread and durum wheat by Clothilde Collet06 SepPlant root systems are responsible for the capture of soil water and minerals essential for their growth. With the need to reduce fertiliser use and improve resilience to extreme climate events, improving resource capture efficiency has become a hot topic in agriculture.