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The impact of tephra on agriculture: systemic analysis of farms’ structure and functioning to better understand vulnerability by Sophie Malherbe06 DecYoung volcanic soils developed on tephra deposits have an outstanding agronomical potential and, as such, attract a large and dense population that draws its livelihood from their use. However, being collocated with Holocene volcanoes, agriculture on volcanic soils is threatened by widespread deposition of tephra during explosive eruptions.En savoir plusThe impact of tephra on agriculture: systemic analysis of farms’ structure and functioning to better understand vulnerability by Sophie Malherbe06 DecYoung volcanic soils developed on tephra deposits have an outstanding agronomical potential and, as such, attract a large and dense population that draws its livelihood from their use. However, being collocated with Holocene volcanoes, agriculture on volcanic soils is threatened by widespread deposition of tephra during explosive eruptions.
ESG – Environmental Social and Governance - in Development Finance. by Edouard Crespeigne06 DecEdouard Crespeigne, Expert environnemental et social au mécanisme de gestion des plaintes, Banque européenne d'investissement. presentera" ESG – Environmental Social and Governance - in Development Finance."En savoir plusESG – Environmental Social and Governance - in Development Finance. by Edouard Crespeigne06 DecEdouard Crespeigne, Expert environnemental et social au mécanisme de gestion des plaintes, Banque européenne d'investissement. presentera" ESG – Environmental Social and Governance - in Development Finance."
Soil-water process interactions in a landscape context in the Andean páramo by Carlos Sebastián Paez Bimos01 DecA major concern for sustainable development in the Tropical Andes is the growing imbalance between ecosystem service supply and demand, particularly with regard to freshwater ecosystem services.En savoir plusSoil-water process interactions in a landscape context in the Andean páramo by Carlos Sebastián Paez Bimos01 DecA major concern for sustainable development in the Tropical Andes is the growing imbalance between ecosystem service supply and demand, particularly with regard to freshwater ecosystem services.
Airborne ground-penetrating radar for digital soil mapping by Kaijun WU01 DecCharacterization of soil electromagnetic properties has always been an important task for hydrology, meteorology, environmental sciences, agriculture etc.En savoir plusAirborne ground-penetrating radar for digital soil mapping by Kaijun WU01 DecCharacterization of soil electromagnetic properties has always been an important task for hydrology, meteorology, environmental sciences, agriculture etc.
Reporting extra-financier, de matérialité et d’outils comme le sustainable portfolio management by Michel Washer29 NovMichel Washer, Manager de Solvay présentera "Reporting extra-financier, de matérialité et d’outils comme le sustainable portfolio management"En savoir plusReporting extra-financier, de matérialité et d’outils comme le sustainable portfolio management by Michel Washer29 NovMichel Washer, Manager de Solvay présentera "Reporting extra-financier, de matérialité et d’outils comme le sustainable portfolio management"
A novel method for Layered Media Reconstructions combining GPR Far-Field full-wave modeling and data-mining by Li Zeng24 Nov
Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble: The influence of hydrothermal alteration on the stability of a volcano by Mike Heap,Université de Strasbourg.24 NovHydrothermal alteration is near-ubiquitous at volcanoes worldwide and is thought to promote volcano instability and flank collapse.En savoir plusDouble, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble: The influence of hydrothermal alteration on the stability of a volcano by Mike Heap,Université de Strasbourg.24 NovHydrothermal alteration is near-ubiquitous at volcanoes worldwide and is thought to promote volcano instability and flank collapse.
Tree carbon uptake under climate change: interacting effects of elevated CO2, nutrients and water availability byProf. David Ellsworth (chaire Francqui)24 NovLe 24 novembre prochain, le Prof.En savoir plusTree carbon uptake under climate change: interacting effects of elevated CO2, nutrients and water availability byProf. David Ellsworth (chaire Francqui)24 NovLe 24 novembre prochain, le Prof.
Economie circulaire by Vincent Truyens22 NovVincent Truyens présentera " Economie circulaire"En savoir plusEconomie circulaire by Vincent Truyens22 NovVincent Truyens présentera " Economie circulaire"
Physically based hydrological modelling and High Performance Computing: why and how? by Dr. Daniel Caviedes-Voullième (Agrosphere, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany)14 NovHydrological modelling has experienced a transition from phenomenological and observation-matching modelling approaches into process and physics based formulations. The are many reasons for this, including the need of specific spatially-explicit quantitative information, dealing with a changing environment, and the interest of having virtual laboratories for hypothesis testing.En savoir plusPhysically based hydrological modelling and High Performance Computing: why and how? by Dr. Daniel Caviedes-Voullième (Agrosphere, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany)14 NovHydrological modelling has experienced a transition from phenomenological and observation-matching modelling approaches into process and physics based formulations. The are many reasons for this, including the need of specific spatially-explicit quantitative information, dealing with a changing environment, and the interest of having virtual laboratories for hypothesis testing.