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Organizing the Just Transition: a research agenda for management and organization sciences... and beyond !

cirtes |

24 January 2025

Résumé :

This research seminar presents my previous and current work on organizing for a just transition. Drawing from my doctoral and postdoctoral research, I will share a research agenda across three axes:

  1. The commodification of sustainability-related issues: Exploring the tensions and opportunities for driving change through markets. Insights from my doctoral research on the commodification of the gender equality field in France and its extension during my second postdoctoral project, "Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion as a Moralized Market: EDI Consultants in Denmark."
  2. Organizing for a just transition in and through the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE): SSE organizations in cross-sector partnerships for sustainability and their efforts to address inequalities within their structures.
  3. (Un)learning for a just transition: Investigating new practices and imaginaries for academics (in organization sciences). Insights from research collaborations on alternatives to the neoliberal university, and teaching and learning sustainability.