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Large Graphs and Networks

icteam | Louvain-la-Neuve

Research on large graphs and networks is conducted by 10 professors and about 30 PhD students and postdocs.

Principal Investigators :

Pierre-Antoine Absil, Gianluca Bianchin, Vincent Blondel, Olivier Bonaventure, Jean-Charles Delvenne, Yves Deville, Pierre Dupont, Julien Hendrickx, Raphaël Jungers, Etienne Rivière, Marco Saerens

Research Labs :

Machine Learning Group, IP Networking Lab, Cloud and Large Scale computing group

Research Areas :

We look at some of the most recent and fundamental computational challenges raised by large networks. We study questions related to the classification, equilibria calculation, visualization, hierarchical reduction, analysis of dynamical properties and stochastic analysis of large networks. We also develop new analysis techniques allowing to extract useful information from graphs and networks, for example by detecting tightly connected groups within the network, finding the most prestigious nodes, categorizing unlabeled nodes thanks to some labeled ones, computing similarities between nodes, etc.

Applications include topics such as data-mining of text documents, web-searching, analysis of telephone, traffic and electricity networks. The Internet, the largest deployed network today, is of particular interest. Measurement and modeling tools and techniques that we develop allow us to obtain more accurate information about its organization (interconnections between Internet Service Providers, network topologies, ...) and to build realistic models of computer networks. We are using these tools and models to better understand the structure of the Internet, and also to evaluate the performance of new networking protocols.

Most recent publications

Below are listed the 10 most recent journal articles and conference papers produced in this research area. You also can access all publications by following this link : see all publications.

Journal Articles

1. Zamani, Moslem; Glineur, François; Hendrickx, Julien. On the Set of Possible Minimizers of a Sum of Convex Functions. In: IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 8, p. 1871-1876 (2024). doi:10.1109/lcsys.2024.3414378.

2. Goujaud, Baptiste; Moucer, Céline; Glineur, François; Hendrickx, Julien; Taylor, Adrien B.; Dieuleveut, Aymeric. PEPit: computer-assisted worst-case analyses of first-order optimization methods in Python. In: Mathematical Programming Computation, Vol. 16, no.3, p. 337-367 (2024). doi:10.1007/s12532-024-00259-7.

3. Bousselmi, Nizar; Hendrickx, Julien; Glineur, François. Interpolation Conditions for Linear Operators and Applications to Performance Estimation Problems. In: SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 34, no.3, p. 3033-3063 (2024). doi:10.1137/23m1575391.

4. Monnoyer de Galland de Carnières, Charles; Vizuete Haro, Renato Sebastian; Hendrickx, Julien; Panteley, Elena; Frasca, Paolo. Random Coordinate Descent for Resource Allocation in Open Multiagent Systems. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 69, no.11, p. 7600-7613 (2024). doi:10.1109/tac.2024.3394349.

5. Houssiau, Florimond; Liénart, Thibaut; Hendrickx, Julien; de Montjoye, Yves-Alexandre. Web Privacy: A Formal Adversarial Model for Query Obfuscation. In: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 18, p. 2132-2143 (2023). doi:10.1109/tifs.2023.3262123.

6. Hendrickx, Julien; Gerencsér, Balázs. Trajectory convergence from coordinate-wise decrease of general energy functions. In: Automatica, Vol. 154, p. 111099 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2023.111099.

7. Colla, Sébastien; Hendrickx, Julien. Automatic Performance Estimation for Decentralized Optimization. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, (2023). (Accepté/Sous presse).

8. Pinto, Samuel c.; Welikala, Shirantha; Andersson, Sean B.; Hendrickx, Julien; Cassandras, Christos G. Minimax Persistent Monitoring of a Network System. In: Automatica (Online), Vol. 149, p. 110808 (2022). doi:10.48550/arXiv.2201.06607.

9. Barbarino, Giovanni; Noferini, Vanni; Van Dooren, Paul. Role extraction for digraphs via neighborhood pattern similarity. In: Physical Review E, Vol. 106, no.5 (2022). doi:10.1103/physreve.106.054301.

10. Laudadio, Teresa; Mastronardi, Nicola; Van Dooren, Paul. Computing Gaussian quadrature rules with high relative accuracy. In: Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 92, no.1, p. 767-793 (2022). doi:10.1007/s11075-022-01297-9.

Conference Papers

1. Bousselmi, Nizar; Pustelnik, Nelly; Hendrickx, Julien; Glineur, François. Comparison of Proximal First-Order Primal and Primal-Dual Algorithms via Performance Estimation. In: Eusipco 2024, 2024, 978-9-4645-9361-7, p. 2647-2651 xxx. doi:10.23919/EUSIPCO63174.2024.10715388.

2. Vizuete Haro, Renato Sebastian; Frasca, Paolo; Panteley, Elena. SIS Epidemics on Open Networks: A Replacement-Based Approximation. In: n/. (2024). 2024 xxx. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2403.16727; 10.23919/ecc64448.2024.10591224.

3. Vizuete Haro, Renato Sebastian; Hendrickx, Julien. Nonlinear Network Identifiability: The Static Case. In: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings. (2023). I E E E, 2023 xxx. doi:10.1109/cdc49753.2023.10383333.

4. Kamri, Ahmed Yassine; Hendrickx, Julien; Glineur, François. On the Worst-Case Analysis of Cyclic Coordinate-Wise Algorithms on Smooth Convex Functions. In: Proceedings of the European Control Conference ECC 2023, 2023 xxx. doi:10.23919/ECC57647.2023.10178198.

5. Vizuete Haro, Renato Sebastian; Monnoyer de Galland de Carnières, Charles; Hendrickx, Julien; Frasca, Paolo; Panteley, Elena. Resource allocation in open multi-agent systems: an online optimization analysis. In: 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), I E E E, 2022, 978-1-6654-6762-9 xxx. doi:10.1109/cdc51059.2022.9993038.

6. Vizuete Haro, Renato Sebastian; Monnoyer de Galland de Carnières, Charles; Hendrix, Julien; Frasca, Paolo; Panteley, Elena. Resource allocation in open multi-agent systems: an online optimization analysis. 2022 xxx. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2207.09316.

7. Colla, Sébastien; Hendrickx, Julien. Automated Performance Estimation for Decentralized Optimization via Network Size Independent Problems. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, I E E E, 2022, p. 5185-5191 xxx. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2210.00695.

8. Pinto, Samuel C.; Andersson, Sean B.; Hendrickx, Julien; Cassandras, Christos G.. A Semidefinite Programming Approach to Discrete-time Infinite Horizon Persistent Monitoring. In: Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC 21), I E E E, 2021, 978-1-6654-7945-5, p. 799-804 xxx. doi:10.23919/ecc54610.2021.9654916.

9. Shi, Mingming; Hendrickx, Julien. Energy savings alone cannot explain the emergence of birds echelon formations. In: Proceedings of the 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2021, I E E E, 2021, 6957 - 6962 xxx. doi:10.1109/cdc45484.2021.9682910.

10. Monnoyer De Galland De Carnières, Charles; Vizuete, Renato; Hendrickx, Julien; Frasca, Paolo; Panteley, Elena. Random coordinate descent algorithm for open multi-agent systems with complete topology and homogeneous agents. In: Proceedings of the 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), IEEE, 2021, 1701-1708 xxx.