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EDEM is involved in the GLOBMIG Project. The researchers of EDEM working on this project are Francesco Gatta, Eleonora Frasca, Jean-Yves Carlier and Sylvie Sarolea. We will interact with the promotor Frédéric Docquier (coordinator), ESPO/IRES/IMMAQ, Chercheur Qualifié at FSR-FNRS and Professor of Economics at UCLouvain, as well as Philippe Bocquier, ESPO/DEMO, Professor of Demography at UCLouvain, and Pierre Schaus, (SST/)EPL/ICTM, Professor of Computer Science at UCLouvain. 

GLOBMIG is a 48-month project that aims at developing stronger conceptual tools to better understand and model global migration patterns, to anticipate future migration pressures, and to investigate the global implications of policy reforms. More precisely, GLOBMIG has assembled a team of economists, demographers, lawyers, and computer scientists around three general objectives: (i) to gain understanding of the long-run root drivers of international migration, (ii) to produce integrated projections of migration, population, and global inequality, and (iii) to use the knowledge base to assess the effectiveness and policy coherence of the legal framework.

Achieving these general objectives requires highly integrated models of global migration patterns. The innovative nature of GLOBMIG is that it goes beyond the state of the art in combining traditional and new sources of data (e.g., Big Data on cell-phone owners’ mobility, worldwide opinion surveys on migration intentions, geo-referenced data on population changes, comparative data on immigration laws and policies), in developing new methodologies for processing and analyzing them (e.g., data mining, machine learning algorithms), and in modelling the complex interactions between international migration, internal migration, and the socio-demographic, climatic, legal/institutional and economic environments. 

The GLOBMIG Legal Component: An Inventory of European Law and Policies

The legal component of the GLOBMIG project consists of the development of an inventory of EU migration law and policy – accessible on this website and ready to use – that can enable research on the implications of legal and policy reforms at a European level. The inventory is coupled with an easy-to-read user’s guide, so as to clarify essential notions necessary to navigate the inventory and grasp its main findings.

> Download the GLOBMIG Inventory of European Law and Policies (Excel file)

> Download the GLOBMIG Inventory User Guide (PDF file)


The inventory covers a period of approximately 40 years, from 1980 to 2021, and it is divided into the eight chronological phases. The most relevant legal and policy measures adopted within the European legal order with regard to migration – more than a thousand – have been included in the inventory, classified into categories and assessed in light of different criteria. The phases are not equal in length: they have been designed according to the major legal-institutional changes occurred at the EU level.

The inventory has been created by EDEM members Francesco Luigi Gatta and Eleonora Frasca under the supervision of Jean-Yves Carlier and Sylvie Sarolea within the context of the 48-month GLOBMIG project, funded by the University of Louvain (UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) within the actions de recherches concertées (ARC). The ambition of the project is to gather a wide array of measures in the field of migration law, to be then processed in quantitative terms by economists and demographers with the aim of investigating whether and how European legal and policy measures have an impact on migratory flows (and/or vice versa).

Beyond the general interdisciplinary objective of the GLOBMIG project in its entirety, the detailed GLOBMIG inventory is already, in itself, a tool that can be used for other legal research or publications, particularly by lawyers.

The article: "Ebbs and flows of EU Migration Law and Governance: A Critical Assessment of the Evolution of Migration Legislation and Policy in Europe", published in the European Journal of Migration and Law, accompanies and discusses the GLOBMIG inventory.

> Download the article "Ebbs and flows of EU Migration Law and Governance" (PDF file)