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Research Groups

cedie | Louvain-la-Neuve

Disciplines can be presented as follows:

• Private international law: general theory of private international law, codification of the Belgian rules of conflict of laws and jurisdiction, international movement of persons, condition of foreigners, including asylum, relations with EU law.

• International law: general international law (international responsibility, treaties, international organizations, ...) and thematic issues (rivers, democracy, ...) or topical issues (terrorism, UN reform, World Trade Organization law).

• Human rights: analysis of fundamental rights, in particular the condition of foreigners and private international law, relations with constitutional law.

• European Law: Internal Market Law, Institutional Law, Individual Status in European Union Law, Competition Law, EU External Relations Law, European Judicial Law, Role of Sub-State Communities.

• Administrative law of European integration: participation of States in the development and implementation of EU law, state aid, European territorial cooperation, European agencies and general interest services, European law Energy.

Since 1995, the study group of the administrative law of European integration has been contributing to the renewal of European studies in public law.

Since 2006, the visibility of research in European law has benefited from the creation of a Chair of European Law (holder: Professor Stéphanie Francq), whose mission, in addition to various teaching and continuous training activities, is to stimulate research in this field.