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cedie | Louvain-la-Neuve

The EDEM studies European asylum and immigration law and their implementation in Belgian law. This involves European law and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, as well as international law, as it defines refugees and fundamental rights for migrants.

Research at EDEM includes :

  • The impact of ECHR case law and EU law on national law, through the European Common Asylum System (REAC).
  • The LIMA project : How the Legal framework Impacts on Migrants’ Agency ?
  • Along with the Odysseus Academic Network, comparative studies of national systems of European countries, especially regarding the Return Directive.
  • Legal support for asylum seekers in collaboration with the UNHCR.
  • Economic immigration from a legal and multidisciplinary point of view.

The team works include the publication of books, the organization of seminars and conferences, the monthly publication of Cahiers (Case Law Commentaires) and the creation of a case law directory.


PALIM. This EU-funded project aims to address ICT labour shortages in the Flemish Region and Morocco. It aims to implement legal channels for immigration via employment... Keep reading.
ISEMI. A new research is beginning on the best interests of the child in a migratory context. The project combines two interrelated approaches: one targets jurisprudence and the other the social representations and professional practices of actors in the field. Keep reading.
VULNER. As part of the call MIGRATION-07-2019 (Horizon 2020): International protection of refugees in a comparative perspective. A new project has been created on the theme "Vulnerabilities under the global protection regime: How does the law assess, address, shape and produce the vulnerabilities of the protection seekers"? Keep reading.
The REDIAL project, co-funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the Migration Policy Centre (European University Institute), aims to promote and facilitate dialogue between national judges involved in return proceedings. Keep reading.
GLOBMIG is a 48-month project that aims at developing stronger conceptual tools to better understand and model global migration patterns, to anticipate future migration pressures, and to investigate the global implications of policy reforms... Keep reading.
The aim of this project is to examine the correlation between the Belgian and European legal frameworks on the one hand, and the agency of third-country nationals on the other hand.... Keep reading.
The UCL has created a consortium of researchers working on migration issues: Louvain4Migration. We are pleased with this new opportunity to work and reflect together. Synergies are essential for understanding the complex issues at the heart of migration.