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cedie | Louvain-la-Neuve

Objectives and methodology of the REDIAL project

The REDIAL project is co-funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the Migration Policy Center (European University Institute) and aims to promote and facilitate dialogue between national judges involved in return procedures. The aim is thus to ensure the effective application of the Return Directive (2008/115/EC) at a national level through increased horizontal judicial cooperation. In doing so, judicial dialogue not only enriches national and European case law, but also reinforces the legitimacy of judicial review in return procedures. The REDIAL project is thus intended for national judges and practitioners who apply the Return Directive.
The REDIAL project is based on close collaboration between national and academic judges. After a selection of the most interesting judgments by the former, the latter offer a critical analysis of these judgments under the Directive. Such collaboration between the judicial and academic world guarantees a more in-depth knowledge of national case law while highlighting the challenges related to the application of the Return Directive.

Project results

The REDIAL project will lead to:
• A database of relevant national and European case law and their analysis
• An e-training module on the Return Directive in order to guarantee the sustainability of the project
• An Annotated Return Directive (with relevant judgments)
• A book on the judicial application and interpretation of the Return Directive, and
• Three reports comparing the practice in the Member States on the basis of the case law analyzed, with the aim of ensuring a better application of the Directive

For more information about the REDIAL project and to view the results of this project, please visit the following website.

The continuation of the CONTENTION and MADE REAL projects

To a certain extent, the REDIAL project is an extension of two previous European projects, the CONTENTION project (Control of Detention) and the MADE REAL project (Making Alternatives to Detention in Europe by Reality by Exchanges, Advocacy and Learning).
Following a similar methodology, the CONTENTION project, which ended in 2014, focused on the analysis of the judicial control of the detention of foreigners with a view to their removal to eleven Member States. Regarding detention in the context of return (Articles 15 to 18 of the Return Directive), the REDIAL project is based on the results of the CONTENTION project, which are updated.
The MADE REAL project also focused on the detention of foreigners and aimed in particular at studying alternatives to detention with regard to asylum but also in the context of return. Since, according to the Return Directive, the detention of aliens with a view to their removal can only be a measure of last resort, the REDIAL project can usefully be based on the results of the MADE REAL project.