Centre for Applied Molecular Technologies (CTMA)
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Technical and scientific expertise
- Addressing biological threat issues from a military-clinical-academic perspective
- Development of a B-LIFE mobile laboratory deployment capability for infectious agent analysis (capacity recognised by the EU Civil Protection Mechanisms)
- Expertise in biostatistics and bioinformatics for omics data analysis (genomics, transcriptomics).
- Expertise in the development of lateral flow assay diagnostic kits
- Development of diagnostic and therapeutic applications based on recombinant llama or alpaca antibodies
- Expertise in the development of diagnostic kits and tools based on molecular biology technologies such as:
- quantitative PCR, LAMP, RPA
- second (Illumina) and third generation (ONT) Sanger and high-throughput sequencing
- development of customised multiplex lateral flow immunochromatographic tests
Main equipment
- ABI 3130 4-capillary Sanger sequencer
- Illumina high-throughput sequencing platform: iSeq, MiSeq and NextSeq1000
- Oxford Nanopore Technologies high-throughput sequencing platform: MinION and GridION.
- Spotting platform: SciFlexarrayer S3
- B-LIFE mobile intervention laboratory deployable in Europe and outside Europe
- Detection, identification and characterisation (virulence, resistance) of known and unknown microbiological agents (bacteria, viruses, yeasts) and environmental agents
- Technical and scientific support for research projects (experimental design, data analysis, writing of reports, dissertations, scientific articles) in the field of infectious and genetic diseases, pharmacogenetics and biomarker identification
- Bioinformatics and biostatistical analysis of high-throughput sequencing data (WGS, RNAseq, targeted NGS, metagenomics, etc.)
- Production of fungal biomass for the preparation of vaccines
Services available to
- UCLouvain students and researchers
- Non-UCLouvain parties