Platform for Imaging Cells and Tissues (PICT)
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Technical and scientific expertise
- Wide-field, confocal, multiphoton and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy
- Vital confocal microscopy and immunolabelling methods
- User training in:
- a wide range of microscopy methods
- independent and critical use of different microscopes
- Advice, expertise and support for users, from sample preparation to analysis of results and interpretation of data
Main equipment
- Two high-speed fluorescence slide scanners
- Two wide-field fluorescence microscopes (Life Cell Observer Z1 and Stereomicroscope Discovery V12)
- One high-throughput confocal microscope (Zeiss Spinning disk confocal COSD)
- One Fast Airyscan-2 microscope coupled to a super-resolution module and equipped with a multiphoton laser (Zeiss LSM980-multiphoton)
- Various sample preparation equipment and image analysis tools (HALO, Arivis, Zen blue, SymphoTime, 3D Deconvolution)
- Imaging of:
- living cells and immunostaining
- organs (liver, kidneys) in living mice
- tissues and organs for several hours
- extracellular matrix by Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy (SHG)
- cellular environment by Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM)
- Dynamics of molecular movement by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP)
- Protein dimerisation by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC)
- In situ detection of free radicals (ROS) in distinct subcellular compartments
- Protein interactions by FRET-FLIM
- Super-resolution on living and fixed cells
- Whole slide scanning
- Image analysis such as deconvolution, 3-D reconstruction, morphometry, objective colocalisation
Services available to
- UCLouvain students and researchers
- UCLouvain partner university researchers