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The programme and book of abstracts are now available!


The call for papers for the eLexicography 2009 conference has been a great success. We have received a large number of abstracts covering a wide spectrum of research in the field of eLexicography and are confident that the conference will be a lively and fruitful event.

There will be 4 types of presentation:

  • Full papers: 25 minutes (including discussion).
  • Short papers: a new category we have added to the programme in order to be able to accommodate a larger number of papers: 15 minutes (including discussion).
  • Posters: There will be no formal oral presentation associated with posters but the programme will include a 1-hour slot during which presenters will be available by their posters for informal discussion with conference participants.
  • Software demonstrations: 25 minutes (including discussion).

The conference will start at 9.00 a.m on Thursday 22 October (registration will start at 8.30 a.m.) and end at 1 p.m on Saturday 24 October. It will be possible to have lunch (not included in the conference registration fee) at the conference venue before leaving.

List of presesentations

Abel Andrea (European Academy Bolzano/Bozen (EURAC), Italy)
Towards a systematic classification framework for dictionaries and CALL

Alonso Ramos Margarita & Nishikawa Alfonso (University of A Coruña, Spain)
DiCE in the web: An online Spanish collocation dictionary

Alonso Ramos Margarita, Wanner Leo, Vázquez Veiga Nancy, Vincze Orsolya, Mosqueira Suárez Estela & Prieto González Sabela (University of A Coruña , Spain)
Tagging collocations for learners

Baines David (SIL International, Belgium)
FieldWorks Language Explorer (FLEx)

Breen James (Monash University, Australia)
Identification of neologisms in Japanese by corpus analysis

Breen James (Monash University, Australia)
WWWJDIC - a feature-rich WWW-based Japanese dictionary

Cartoni Bruno (ISSCO/TIM-ETI, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Introducing the MuLexFoR : a Multilingual Lexeme Formation Rule Database

Corino Elisa & Onesti Cristina (Università di Torino, Italy)
Have I got the wrong definition of…? How to write simple technical definitions on the basis of examples taken from newsgroup discussions

Cougnon Louise-Amélie & Beaufort Richard  (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
SSLD: a French SMS to Standard Language Dictionary

Damascelli Adriana Teresa (University of Torino, Italy)
Building a bilingual web-glossary of social services terms as part of a language learning environment

de Schryver Gilles-Maurice (Ghent University & University of the Western Cape, Belgium / South Africa)
Artificial Intelligence meets e-Lexicography

Drouin Patrick (OLST, Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada)
Building a bilingual transdisciplinary scientific lexicon

Durán-Muñoz Isabel (University of Málaga, Spain)
Translators’ needs into account: a survey on specialised lexicographical resources

Dziemianko Anna (School of English, Department of Lexicology and Lexicography, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland)
Paper or electronic: The role of dictionary form in language reception, production and the retention of meaning and collocations

Ecker Alexander & Fichtner Ralph (Ministry of Culture, Luxembourg)
The Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionary (LOD) workflow management concept, an all-digital approach to lexicography

Eickhoff Brigit & Wind Lutz (Duden, Germany)
Producing dictionaries from a lexical and semantic network: The “Duden Ontology”

Eyigoz Elif (University of Rochester, USA)
A Theoretically Computational Lexicon for Turkish verbs

Fairon Cédrick, Macé Kevin, & Naets Hubert (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Creating and exploiting RSS-based Web corpora with GlossaNet

Falk Ingrid, Gardent Claire, Jacquey Evelyne & Venant Fabienne (Nancy Universités & Loria, France)
A method for grouping synonyms

Flinz Carolina (University of Pisa, Italy)
DIL, an online bilingual specialized dictionary of linguistics (German-Italian)

Gala Nuria & Rey Véronique (CNRS, Aix-Marseille Universités, France)
Acquiring semantics from structured corpora to enrich an existing lexicon

Gasiglia Nathalie (U.M.R. 8163 du C.N.R.S. (STL) & Université Lille 3, France)
Some editorial orientations for a multi-tier electronic monolingual school dictionary

Granger Sylviane & Paquot Magali (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Customising a general EAP dictionary to learner needs

Gurrutxaga Antton, Leturia Igor, Saralegi Xabier, San Vicente Iñaki & Pociello, Eli (Elhuyar Foundation, Spain)
Evaluation of an automatic process for specialized web corpora collection and term extraction for Basque

Hadouche Fadila,  L'Homme Marie-Claude & Lapalme Guy (Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada)
Automatic annotation of Actants

Halskov Jakob & Pia Jarvad (Danish Language Council)
Human versus automated extraction of neologisms for lexicography - a discussion and a system evaluation

Li Hanghong (City University of Hong Kong, China)
Word Frequency Distribution for Electronic Learner’s English Dictionaries: based on BNC XML

Hanks Patrick (Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
Elliptical Arguments: a problem in relating meaning to use

Kristoffersen Jette Hedegaard & Troelsgård Thomas (University College Capital, Denmark)
Making a dictionary without words

Herbst Thomas & Uhrig Peter (Erlangen University, Germany)
Valency patterns online – the Erlangen Valency Pattern Bank

Hmeljak Sangawa Kristina, Erjavec Tomaž & Kawamura Yoshiko (University of Ljubljana & Tokyo International University, Slovenia & Japan)
Automated collection of Japanese examples from a parallel and a monolingual corpus

Karpova Olga & Gorbunov Mikhail (Ivanovo State University, Russia)
Cultural Values in Learner’s Dictionary: in Search of a Model

Kilgarriff Adam, Kovár Vojtěch, & Rychlý Pavel (Lexical Computing Ltd; Masaryk University, UK & Czech Republic)
Tickbox Lexicography

Klosa Annette (Institut für Deutsche Sprache Mannheim, Germany)
On the combination of automated information and lexicographically interpreted information in two German online dictionaries ( and

Krek Simon & Gantar Polona (Amebis, d.o.o., Kamnik; Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana; Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts , Slovenia)
Slovene Lexical Database for NLP and Lexicographic Purposes

Krisi Tomer, Siani Assaf & Kernerman Ilan (K Dictionaries)
The KXD Shell

Kuzmina Vera & Rylova Anna (ABBYY Software House, Russia)
Software demonstration. The ABBYY Lingvo  electronic dictionary and the ABBYY Lingvo Content dictionary writing system as lexicographic tools

Langemets Margit, Viks Ülle & Andres Loopmann (Institute of the Estonian Language - Eesti Keele Instituut, Estonia)
Dictionary management system for bilingual dictionaries

Laureys Godelieve (Ghent University, Belgium)
The “Hub&Spoke” Model put into practice. Report on the semi-automatic extraction of a Finnish-Danish pre-dictionary version from a multilingual interlinkable database.

Lew Robert & Tokarek Patryk (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)
Entry menus in bilingual electronic dictionaries

Luder Marc (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Building an OLIF-based lexical database for representing constructions

Michiels Archibald (University of Liège, Belgium)
LEXDIS, a tool for measuring lexical proximity

Moerdijk Fons & Tiberius Carole (Institute for Dutch Lexicology, The Netherlands)
Fine-tuning a common-sense classification in the ANW dictionary

Müller-Spitzer Carolin & Möhrs Christine (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany)
The “Online Bibliography of Electronic Lexicography” (OBELEX)

Niestadt Jan, Tiberius Carole & Moerdijk Fons (Institute for Dutch Lexicology, The Netherlands)
Searching the ANW dictionary

Oliveira Claudia & Peters Pam (Centre for Language Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia)
Ontologies in the mediostructure of LSP edictionaries

Paumier Sébastien, Voyatzi Stavroula & Nakamura Takuya (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France)
UNITEX, a corpus processing system with multi-lingual linguistic resources

Pecman Mojca, Juilliard Claudie, Kübler Natalie & Volanschi Alexandra (CLILLAC-ARP, Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, France)
Processing collocations in a terminological database based on a cross-disciplinary study of scientific texts

Piotrowski Tadeusz (Opole University, Poland)
Mobile dictionaries: situations of use

Poibeau Thierry & Messiant Cédric (Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris-Nord, France)
Automatic lexical acquisition from corpora, some limitations and some tentative solutions

Sass Bálint & Pajzs Júlia (Pázmány Péter Catholic University; Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary)
FDVC - Creating a Corpus-driven Frequency Dictionary of Verb Phrase Constructions

Siepmann Dirk (University of Osnabrück, Germany)
The Bilexicon: A New Resource for Language Learners

Sierra Gerardo, Medina Alfonso & Lázaro Jorge (Instituto de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico)
Resources for building a lexical knowledge base for an elementary dictionary of sexuality

Spina Stefania (Università per Stranieri Perugia, Italy)
The Dici Project: Towards a Dictionary of Italian Collocations integrated with an online language learning platform.

Spohr Dennis (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Towards a Multifunctional Electronic Dictionary using a Metamodel of User Needs

Steyer Kathrin & Brunner Annelen (IDS – Institut für deutsche Sprache Mannheim, Germany)
Wortverbindungsfelder – Fields of multi-word expressions

Tasovac Toma (Center for Digital Humanities, Belgrade, Serbia; Princeton University, USA, Serbia & USA)
Beyond Lexicocentrism: The Challenge of Complex Architectures in eLexicography

Tiscornia Daniela (Italian National Research Council- ITTIG, Italy)
Building multilingual legal lexicons

Tittel Sabine (Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, Germany)
Dynamic access to a static dictionary: A lexicographical "cathedral" lives to see the twenty-first century – the Dictionnaire étymologique de l'ancien français

Trap-Jensen, Lars, Lorentzen Henrik & Asmussen Jørg (Det Danske Sprog - Og Litteraturselskab, Denmark)
Access to Multiple Lexical Resources at a Stroke: Integrating Dictionary, Corpus and WordNet Data

Tsalidis Christos, Mantzari Elena & Pantazara Mavina (Neurolingo L.P. , Greece)
NLP tools for lexicographic applications in Modern Greek

Tschichold Cornelia (Swansea University, Great-Britain)
From lexical database to intelligent vocabulary trainers

Tutin Agnès (LIDILEM, France)
Showing phraseology in context: an onomasiological access to lexico-grammatical patterns in corpora of French scientific writings

Verdaguer Isabel, Laso Natalia Judith, Giménez Eva & Salazar Danica (University of Barcelona, Spain)
SciE-Lex: an electronic lexical database for the Spanish medical community

Verlinde Serge (K.U.Leuven, Belgium)
From paper-based electronic dictionaries to leximats

Villegas Marta, Bel Nuria, Bel Santiago, Alemany Francesca & Martínez Héctor (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Lexicography in the grid environment

Vitas Duško, Nakamura Takuya & Voyatzi Stavroula  (University of Belgrade; University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, Serbia, France)
Using aligned corpora to construct large-scaled linguistic resources: the electronic dictionary of Spanish compound nouns

Volanschi Alexandra & Kübler Natalie (UFR EILA, University Paris Diderot – Paris 7 , France)
Building an electronic combinatory dictionary as a writing aid tool for researchers in biology

Wandl-Vogt Eveline (Institut für Österreichische Dialekt- und Namenlexika (I DINAMLEX), Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Austria)
Multiple Access Routes on the Example of the Dictionary of Bavarian Dialects in Austria (Wörterbuch der bairischen Mundarten in Österreich (WBÖ))

Xydopoulos George & Baltazani Mary (University of Patras, Greece)
Creating a web-based bilingual glossary of linguistics terms

Zeljko Miran (Translation Division of the Secretariat General of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia)
Integration of multilingual terminology database and multilingual parallel corpus

Zock Michael & Wandmacher Tonio (CNRS, Laboratoire d'informatique fondamentale; Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrueck, France)
Reverse access via an index based on the notion of association. What do vector-based approaches have to offer?