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Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)

lsm | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons, Charleroi

Dedicated Double Master’s Degrees in Supply Chain Management and Energy, Natural Resources, and Environment

The Double Degree Louvain School of Management - Norwegian School of Economics in a nutshell

Standard period of study: 4 semesters, full time


Start: Fall semester (mid-September at LSM)


Language: English


Degrees awarded: Double degree student who has completed the required credits of each university will obtain two degrees, one from each university: the "Master en sciences de gestion, à finalité spécialisée" OR "Master en ingénieur de gestion, à finalité spécialisée" from the Louvain School of Management (legally titled in French, the programme is entirely in English) and "Master in Economics and Business Administration" from NHH


Fees: Tuition fees are paid at the "home" university, for the entire duration of the studies. Administrative fees might be required at the "host" university.

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Double Degree Structure


If you apply through LSM, your home university will be the LSM, you will therefore spend your first year at LSM and your second year at NHH as your host university.


Dedicated Double Degree 


A DDD is a programme already defined which brings together the strengths and expertise of each university. It is designed to combine two clearly identified majors giving added value and expertise in a specific field on top of the Master’s degree in management. 


This DDD integrates the major in supply chain at LSM and the major in energy and renewable resources in NHH combining therefore a focus on environmental issues and supply chain management.



The DDD partnership has been designed for a specific specialization: Supply chain and Environment. The legal compatibility and the practical feasibility of the programme have been confirmed by both institutions. 


We therefore encourage you to follow the combination that is initially proposed in this DDD. Nevertheless, if you have any specific project in mind that would require a different combination of majors from each school, you are free to submit it to the Educational Advisor.


Master's Thesis

Students enrolled in a double degree LSM/NHH are required to write one single Master's thesis. Therefore the students will have to find two professors: one at LSM and one at NHH. One will be the main supervisor and the other on the reader.

Students usually start their work for the Master's thesis already during the first year. The Master's thesis will be written in English. A mandatory oral defense, by videoconference, will take place in front of at least two professors.


Academic Calendar



  • Fall Semester: from mid-September to mid-end December (Official exam session of fall semester courses in January).


  • Spring Semester: from the end of January/beginning of February to mid-end May (incl. 2-week spring break) (Official exam session of spring semester courses in June).
    Resit exam session from mid-August to the beginning of September.




  • Fall Semester: from mid-August to mid-end December


  • Spring Semester: from the beginning of January to mid-June


How to Apply

> Apply through LSM (if you are selected, LSM will be your home university; you will spend your first year at LSM and your second one at NHH)

> Apply through NHH (if you are selected, NHH will be your home university; you will spend your first year at NHH and your second one at LSM )


> UCLouvain
> LSM faculty - double degrees
> LSM Key figures