UCLouvain Accommodation
lsm | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons, Charleroi
UCLouvain offers two types of accommodations: the UCLouvain Kot & the KAP (Kot related to a project).
You need to apply for UCLouvain accommodation as soon as possible through this form. Application online from March until July 31st. UCLouvain accommodation is very limited and the reservations are made following the ‘first-come, first-served principle.
Living in a “kot” :
“Kot” is used in all parts of Belgium for student flats. It consists of single bedrooms with common areas i.e. kitchen, living room, bathroom(s) /shower(s), and toilet(s). A “kot” can be pre-booked in advance through the UCLouvain “Service des Logements” (UCLouvain Housing Service). It gives you the possibility to live with Belgian students in a shared apartment. A UCLouvain kot is usually less expensive than other housing solutions and most of the rooms are on campus or in the neighborhood.
For more information, please consult our Housing service pages.
“Kot à projet” (KAP) :
In a KAP, you will share a common interest with your housemates and work on a project during your exchange period. All KAPs are supervised by the university. Those rooms must also be booked through the Service des Logements (UCLouvain housing service).
For more information, please consult our Housing service pages.
What is included in UCLouvain Kot & KAP :
Price range: 300€ up to 450€ / month
Security Deposit: 150€