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Monitor your application file

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Once your application has been confirmed, your file will be examined by the Enrolment Office. If necessary, the faculty may be asked to check that you meet the eligibility requirements for the chosen course.

Depending on your situation, you will receive:

  • enrolment confirmation (if you are Belgian): you can then activate your UCLouvain online account;
  • enrolment authorisation, accompanied by a document detailing the next steps in the procedure (if you are not Belgian and have an eligible Belgian qualification);
  • a missing document notice: your file is incomplete and cannot be examined, so you will be asked to provide one or more missing documents within 15 calendar days of the notice; documents submitted after this deadline will not be accepted; or
  • a denial of admission or ruling of ineligibility.

Once your file is in order, you will receive an email at your personal email address inviting you to activate your UCLouvain online account. Once this account has been activated, you will be able to access certain services and IT tools directly (intranet, email, Wi-Fi, Moodle, Teams).

Your UCLouvain email address is automatically created within 24 hours of your online account being activated. All subsequent emails will be sent to this address.

After activating your UCLouvain online account and logging in once to your UCLouvain email address, you will have access to your "Virtual office". To do this, on any UCLouvain page, simply click on the "My UCL" button in the top right-hand corner.

In your virtual office you will find information and helpful tools for your academic career.

The widget entitled "My studies" contains all of the official and administrative actions relating to your enrolment. In particular, you will find:

  • exam registration;
  • various certificates;
  • your invoices/requests for payment.