cedie | Louvain-la-Neuve
Professors of the ILOAC Team teach several courses, at UCLouvain or at other universities, and have also produced a MOOC which is available on the web since March 2017.
Raphaël van Steenberghe and Jérôme de Hemptinne teach the courses entitled ‘International Humanitarian Law’ and ‘International Criminal Law’ to Master Law students at UCLouvain.
Raphaël van Steenberghe and Pauline Lesaffre teach the course on ‘International Protection of the Person I’, as part of the new Advanced Master in Humanitarian Action.
Raphaël van Steenberghe also supervises the seminar on ‘International Protection of Persons’, also as part of the new Advanced Master in Humanitarian Action and is a member of the Rosa Park Clinic. Finally, he is the director of several dissertations in law.
In Europe
Jérôme de Hemptinne teaches the course entitled ‘Situation of persons in times of armed conflict’ at the University of Lille (France), as well as ‘International Humanitarian Law’ at the University of Strasbourg and ‘International Criminal Law at the Geneva Academy of Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.
Ezéchiel Amani teaches the course entitled ‘Human Rights and Military Operations’ at the Royal Military Academy of Belgium. He also teaches ‘Research Methodology in International Law’ and ‘International Law’ at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
In Africa
Pierrot Chambu teaches the following courses at the Official University of Bukavu: international humanitarian law, international criminal law, law of international security, international human rights law and international law of development. He also teaches the following courses at the Catholic University of Bukavu: The law of the conduct of hostilities and international humanitarian law.
Ezéchiel Amani teaches the courses of ‘Public International Law’ and ‘International Humanitarian Law’ at the University of Kinshasa (UNIKIN) and ‘International judicial proceedings’ at the Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL) in Goma-RDC.
Jacques Mbokani teaches the following courses at the University of Goma: Congolese Criminal Law, Criminal and Comparative Law, International Criminal Law, Congolese Military Law and Critical aspects the Jurisprudence of the ICC. At the Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL) in Goma, he teaches International Criminal Law and Critical aspects of the jurisprudence of the ICC. At the Official University of Bukavu, he teaches Congolese Military Law and International Criminal Law. At the Catholic University of Bukavu, he teaches the Conduct of Hostilities under International Law.
Raphaël van Steenberghe and Jérôme de Hemptinne have completed a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in international humanitarian law. This is a multi-week course available on the web, which explains international humanitarian law using different types of learning bases: texts, videos, quizzes, interviews, discussion forums, etc. The course is based on a series of lectures, lectures, interviews and discussions. At the first edition of MOOC, launched on 22 March 2017, more than 8,000 students were registered from more than 170 different countries.
This MOOC is now part of a MicroMasters in International Law and allows students to obtain credits for the Adavanced Master in International and European Law at UCLouvain. It is also available in the new LL.M. in International Law, fully online.