Publications récentes
cedie | Louvain-la-Neuve
C. Macq, Droit pénal et lutte contre les migrations irrégulières, dossiers de la RDPC, die Keure / la Charte, 2021.
L. Merla, S. Sarolea, B. Schoumaker, Composer avec les normes. Trajectoires de vie et agentivité des migrants face au cadre légal, Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia, 2021.
Articles et chapitres d'ouvrage
I. Atak, Fr. Crépeau, “Asylum in the Twenty-First Century: Trends and Challenges”, in A. Triandafyllidou (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies, 2nd edition, Oxford, Routledge, 2023.
M. Brackx, L. Cools, I. Derluyn, E. Desmet e.a. (Ghent University (HRC and CESSMIR)), "Third party intervention in the pending case of Diareye Barry v. Belgium (Application no. 47836/21) before the ECtHR", March 2022.
M. Brackx, L. Cools, “Proving Minority: The Human Rights Centre and CESSMIR Submit a Third Party Intervention Regarding Age Assessment of Unaccompanied Minors. 2022”, Strasbourg Observers, 5 May 2022.
J.-Y. Carlier, "La jouissance effective de l’essentiel des droits, du toc ou du roc ? Réflexions sur un principe de sauvegarde en droit international privé de la famille", in Travaux du comité français de droit international privé, 2020-2022, Paris, Pedone, à paraître.
J.-Y. Carlier, "Article 45. Liberté de circulation et de séjour", in F. Picod, C. Rizcallah et S. Van Drooghenbroeck (dir.), Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne - Commentaire article par article (Droit de l'Union européenne), Bruylant, 3e éd., 2023, pp. 1179-1200.
L. Cools, "The (limited) right to family reunification for unaccompanied minors in Belgium" (à paraître dans un ouvrage collectif).
L. Cools, C. Flamand, "Advisory note to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the context of its prospective report on the rights of the child and family reunification", 2022.
Fr. Crépeau, “Statelessness is a scourge of the modern world”, Foreword to: Rodziana Mohamed Razali, Safeguarding Against Statelessness at Birth – International Law and Domestic Legal Frameworks of ASEAN Member States, Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023, pp. vii-viii.
E. Frasca, J.-Y. Carlier, “The best interests of the child in the ECJ asylum and migration case law: Towards a safeguard principle for the genuine enjoyment of the substance of children’s rights?”, CMLR, vol. 60, n° 2, 2023, pp. 345-390.
E. Frasca, F.L. Gatta, "The EU Action Plan for the Central Mediterranean: Everybody knows that the boat is leaking", EU Migration Law blog, 15 February 2023.
L. Leboeuf, "The travels and transformations of ‘vulnerability’", in L. Leboeuf, C. Brun, H. Liden, S. Marchetti, D. Nakache, S. Sarolea (eds.), Between Protection and Harm. Contested Vulnerabilities in Asylum Laws and Bureaucracies, IMISCOE Research Series, Cham, Springer, 2023.
I. Atak, Fr. Crépeau, "Le défi de la gouvernance des migrations internationales", in Chr. Nadeau, Ph. Néméh-Nombré (dir.), Les droits en mouvements - L’avenir des libertés, Montréal, Éditions Somme Toute, 2022.
M. Brackx et L. Cools, "Proving minority: the Human Rights Centre and CESSMIR submit a third party intervention regarding age assessment of unaccompanied minors", Strasbourg Observers, 23 mai 2022.
L. Carayon et Ch. Flamand, "Le séjour pour circonstances exceptionnelles : analyse en droit français et mise en perspective en droit belge", R.D.E., 2022, n° 214, pp. 9-21.
J.-Y. Carlier, "La métamorphose du réfugié. L’évolution de l’inclusion", in SFDI, colloque de Paris Saclay, Migrations et droit international, Paris, Pedone, 2022.
J.-Y. Carlier, "Avec Henry Bauchau, dans le champ de la guerre planter une objection", Revue internationale Henri Bauchau, L’écriture à l’écoute, n° 12, PUL, 2022.
J.-Y. Carlier, Ch. Flamand, "La protection temporaire des personnes fuyant le conflit en Ukraine", J.T., 26 novembre 2022, n° 6918, pp. 745-751.
B. Chapaux, "Les justices transitionnelles", J.T., 2022/21, n° 6901, pp. 357-364.
Fr. Crépeau, "‘Accroche ta charrue à une étoile’ – Une perspective à long terme sur la mobilité humaine", in Th. Fleury-Graff, P. Jacob (dir.), Migrations et droit international, Colloque 2021 de la Société française de droit international, en collaboration avec le Projet RefWar (ANR 2019-2023), Paris, Éditions Pedone, 2022, pp 573-584.
Fr. Crépeau, “Migration Law and Policy on the Road to Redemption: Hostile Identity Politics v. Individual Rights and Socioeconomic Benefits”, Foreword to: Jean-Yves Carlier, Marie-Claire Foblets, Law and Migration in a Changing World, General Report of the 2014 Vienna Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Basel (CH), Springer International Publishers, 2022, pp. v-xii.
E. Frasca, "Efficacia dei diritti fondamentali nelle zone di frontiera: la Corte EDU ritorna sui respingimenti sommari nel caso D.A. e altri c. Polonia", Annuario ADiM 2021: Raccolta di scritti di diritto dell’immigrazione, 2022, Editoriale Scientifica, pp. 191-201.
E. Frasca, "Le frontiere della solidarietà: mobilità, migrazioni e Unione europea", in C. Colapietro, S. Barbareschi, A. Giubilei, La solidarietà ai tempi della pandemia, Editoriale scientifica, 2022, pp. 161-172.
E. Frasca, F.L. Gatta, “Changing trends and dynamics of EU Migration Law and Governance: A critical assessment of the evolution of migration legislation and policy in Europe”, EJML, Vol. 24, 2022, pp. 56-85.
E. Frasca, F.L. Gatta, "Ebbs and flows of EU Migration Law and Governance: A Critical Assessment of the Evolution of Migration Legislation and Policy in Europe", EJML, 2022.
E. Frasca, F. Raimondo, "Le finalità dei controlli alle frontiere tra ambiguità e giustificazioni: i metodi di anticipazione, privatizzazione ed esternalizzazione dell'Unione europea", in E. Augusti, S. Penasa e S. Zirulia, I rapporti tra attori pubblici e attori privati nella gestione dell’immigrazione e dell’asilo, Università degli Studi di Trento, 2022, pp. 7-35.
L. Leboeuf, "Lost in Translation? The promises and challenges of integrating empirical knowledge on migrants' vulnerabilities into legal reasoning", German Law Journal, no. 23(7), 2022, pp. 976-991.
L. Leboeuf, "The juridification of 'vulnerability' through EU asylum law: the quest for bridging the gap between the law and asylum applicants' experiences", Laws, no. 11(3), 2022, p. 45.
L. Leboeuf, "L'éloignement et le droit au respect de la vie familiale", in G. Willems and N. Dandoy (eds.), Les grands arrêts du droit au respect de la vie familiale. Grand Arrêts, Bruxelles, Larcier, 2022, pp. 738-775.
L. Leboeuf, "The quest for equilibrium between security and humanitarian considerations in a fast-evolving legal environment: the case of Belgium", in M.-C. Foblets, J.-Y. Carlier (eds.). Law and Migration in a Changing World. Ius comparatum 31, Cham, Springer, 2022, pp. 141-180.
I. Atak, Fr. Crépeau, "Refugees as Migrants", Chapter 7 in: C. Costello, M. Foster, J. McAdam (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, 134-151.
L. Cools, "L’enfermement d’enfants migrants à la lumière de la jurisprudence belge et strasbourgeoise", in S. Sarolea et A. Sinon (dir.), 20 ans après l’affaire Tabitha. De nouvelles plumes pour analyser la détention d'enfants migrants à la lumière des droits humains, Wavre, Anthemis, 2021, pp. 259-289.
Fr. Crépeau, F. Faraday, The empowerment of migrant workers in a precarious situation, Policy brief 14, KNOMAD (The Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development, World Bank Group, Washington DC), May 2021, 7 pages.
Fr. Crépeau, M. Vezmar, Words matter: ‘illegal’, ‘irregular’, ‘unauthorized’, ‘undocumented’, Policy brief 15, KNOMAD (The Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development, World Bank Group, Washington DC), June 2021, 5 pages.
Ch. Flamand, "Afgeleide vluchtelingenstatus en gezinseenheid : een gemiste kans om deze principes te verankeren in het vluchtelingenrecht", Tijdschrift voor Vreemdelingenrecht, 2021, n° 1, p. 50.
Ch. Flamand, "La famille migrante et la loi : reconnaissance sous contrainte", in L. Merla, S. Sarolea, B. Schoumaker (coord.), Composer avec les normes : trajectoires de vie et agentivité des migrants face au cadre légal, Academia, 2021.
Ch. Flamand, "Les droits de l’enfant et la solution durable", in L. Merla, S. Sarolea, B. Schoumaker (coord.), Composer avec les normes : trajectoires de vie et agentivité des migrants face au cadre légal, Academia, 2021.
E. Frasca, “Il Nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo tra evoluzioni, tendenze e contraddizioni del diritto dell’Unione europea”,, Vol. 2, 2021, pp. 19-51.
E. Frasca, "La situazione a Ceuta come esempio di diplomazia di frontiera. Alcune osservazioni sulle risposte unilaterali del Marocco in forma di crisi migratoria nel maggio 2021", in Quaderni di Sidiblog, Editoriale scientifica, vol. 8, 2021, pp. 133-143.
E. Frasca, “More or Less (Soft) Law? The case of third country migration cooperation and the long-term effects of EU preference for soft law instruments”, Queen Mary Law Journal, Vol. 1, 2021, pp. 1-32.
E. Frasca, "Navigare in acque trasparenti: i documenti sulle attività di ricerca e salvataggio in mare di Frontex intorbiditi dall’eccezione di sicurezza pubblica", Annuario ADiM 2020: Raccolta di scritti di diritto dell’immigrazione, 2021, Editoriale Scientifica, pp. 726-730.
E. Frasca, "Private sponsorship programmes in Europe and the rule of law: towards a greater involvement of private actors in international protection", Annuario ADiM 2020: Raccolta di scritti di diritto dell’immigrazione, 2021, Editoriale Scientifica, pp. 552-557.
E. Frasca, "Quando la prevenzione dell’immigrazione si arresta: l’incerta natura e la debole tenuta degli impegni tra Marocco e Unione europea", SIDIBlog, 3 giugno 2021.
E. Frasca, M. Lunardini, "La 'collaborazione' con i partner internazionali e l’ottica distorta della sedentarietà", in S. Ceschi and A. Stocchiero, Una strada accidentata. Italia e Europa tra politiche migratorie e processi di integrazione, 2021, Donzelli, pp. 71-76.
L. Leboeuf, "L'asile en Belgique: un droit façonné au gré des tentatives d'instaurer un gouvernement holistique des migrations", in C. Brice-Delajoux (ed.), Droit des étrangers-droit de l’asile: entre attraction et répulsion, Paris, Pedone, 2021, pp. 99-114.
L. Leboeuf, "La fermeture des frontières de l'Union pour motifs de santé publique: la recherche d'une approche coordonnée", in E. Dubout and F. Picod (eds.), Coronavirus et droit de l'Union européenne. Monographies 15, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2021, pp. 223-239.
C. Macq, "Contours et enjeux de la déchéance de la nationalité", Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP, 2021/30-31, n° 2515-2516, pp. 5-122.
Chroniques de jurisprudence
J.-Y. Carlier, E. Frasca, “Chronique libre circulation des personnes dans l’Union européenne”, J.D.E., n° 4, 2023, pp. 198, 213.
J.-Y. Carlier, E. Frasca, “Chronique droit européen des migrations”, J.D.E., n° 3, 2023, pp. 147-169.
J.-Y. Carlier, P.-A. Van Malleghem, "Chronique de libre circulation des personnes dans l'Union européenne", J.D.E., n° 4, 2022.
J.-Y. Carlier, E. Frasca, “Chronique droit européen des migrations”, J.D.E., n° 3, 2022, pp. 131-148.
J;-Y. Carlier, L. Leboeuf, "Chronique droit européen des migrations", J.D.E., 2021, n° 3, pp. 140-154.
J.-Y. Carlier, P.-A. Van Malleghem, "Chronique de libre circulation des personnes dans l'Union européenne", J.D.E., n° 3, 2021, pp. 183-197.