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After your studies

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1. Support in my transition to professional life

Would you like support to enter the job market? The CIO is here to help you.

2. Mentoring programme in the banking sector 

We are also part of the OneStepForward programme developed by SINGA Luxembourg. The aim is to support refugee students / candidates at the end of their studies at UCLouvain in their first steps in the labour market, and more specifically the financial sector. The studies followed must be related to banking professions: economics, management, corporate law, human resources, IT, etc.

OneStepForward offers interested students the opportunity to be connected with a professional from a banking institution, who will act as a mentor. This mentor provides his or her experience and network to guide and support the student throughout their mentorship.

OneStepForward is designed to be flexible to fit around academic schedules. Successful students will receive one-on-one mentoring sessions (online or in-person) and resources to help them develop their skills.

Two mentoring sessions per year are available, one in the spring and one in the autumn. We are currently not taking applications. The next call for applications is scheduled for…