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You still have questions on blocked accounts? If you have not found your answer in the guide, please consult this “Frequently Asked Questions” section (FAQ) for clear and quick answers on how blocked accounts work, the steps to follow, and the service proposed by UCLouvain. 


You can send us your account number via our blocked account application. You must log in with the email address used when you requested your blocked account. Once you are logged in, click on the “My bank account” tab to enter your banking information. This is the same process for changing your bank account.

You should allow approximately 7 to 10 calendar days between payment and receipt of your certificate. International transfers may take a few days to arrive in our account.

Contact us as soon as possible via mentioning the UCLouvain account or the payment reference used.

Yes, anyone can pay the amount as long as the payment reference is correct (otherwise, we will not be able to trace the payment).

Yes, you can pay in instalments if necessary but always respecting the payment reference. You will receive your budget certificate once the total amount has been paid.

The surplus will be distributed in the various monthly payments. If there are a remaining balance at the end, you will be reimbursed. For instance, you pay €5999 instead of €5621 for 7 months, you will receive €857 per month instead of €803.

No, they are different banks accounts managed by different departments. You will have to pay the rent by yourself.

Monthly payments 

You will receive your first monthly payment at the beginning of your stay at UCLouvain if you have provided us with your European bank account number. Every monthly payment is paid at the end of the previous month so that it can be available around the first of the month. For instance: payment on the 28th March to be received on 1st April in the bank account.





No, the monthly payments are only paid into an IBAN account (or European account). If you need help to open a European account, please refer yourself to the Blocked Accounts Guide.





No, we do not change the date of the monthly payments. These are fixed for everyone. We cannot modify the amount of the monthly payments since it is set by the Immigration Office.





Handling fee

Yes, it can be requested by email at .






You can contact us by email via by sending us all the supporting documents at your request. We will reimburse the amount received withing 10 days. In all cases, the handling fees are not reimbursed. If you leave the university early, we are required to notify the Immigration Office of your departures.